The Spiritual Entertainer and Forerunner of The Counterculture Movement
Originally Published April 4, 2022
Burgeoning dichotomies such as productivity vs. presence, belief vs. faith, money vs. wealth, and ego-self vs. true being, Alan Watts understood the different modalities of the human mind. When he began extensive reading of philosophy, history, psychology, and psychiatry, he came across Indian and Chinese cultures where he would experience cosmic consciousness. Both philosophies are hotbeds of a key practice called meditation. From then on, he discovered that human life is beneficence and rascality of reason and passion. He would later publish 25 books interpreting lofty Eastern wisdom to the Western audience through practical and digestible language.
How can you understand the universe when you are a part of it? Watts knew that one must not be what he/she is observing. The human body is a part of the universe—and it is so complex that no one's mind can understand it. Nature has no aesthetic mistakes, it is the eternal immeasurable reality. The real world is unlikely to be the world that is in your head.
Watts relished the Taoist philosophy of Wu Wei—A paradoxical art of “trying not to try”. It aims to flow freely without choices. Instead of forcing nature, we sync with it. It is true that nobody wants to be in charge of themselves because they feel that they can't do it. Alan didn’t even own a TV set but he wasn’t touted as he had enough. Status can be conspicuous consumption. You only suffer because you desire. If you don’t desire then you wouldn't suffer. Confucius said it best, “Who knows Dao by morning will be content by evening.”
When we dance, we don't point at something. The journey and the movement itself are the points. Funny enough, we lose the point of the journey when it is the point of life. Let us not forget that moving is eternal now and there is no road going here because you're already there. The truth is, you can't stop progress. When the waves keep crashing in the middle of a storm, sailors turn off the engine. When Arabs face lethal sandstorms, they don’t botch—they just stop and kneel. You must get out of your own way. When reveries occur, just let it be and it will resolve itself. Man can be bamboozled by thoughts when things larger than life are happening. All that you are is a part of the process.
By the way, is an organization similar to an organism? Not even close! Watts taught that an organism is based on mutual trust. Without trust, you can't have a community; not even an organization. It's risky because they may let you down but if you trust en masse, the rubric may work.
It’s crazy how Neurology knows a little about the brain. It goes to show that up to now, the brain is still smarter than Neurology. Therefore, to really know ourselves, we find master after master. Just like the old times of the Eastern world, you are a seeker. Seek now. A fervent marksman shoots before they think that they have to or else it will be too late. The data for any given situation is infinite. Get your hands dirty but keep in mind: Asceticism over Hedonism. Planning to know more about Alan Watts? His writings and recordings are available at
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