Six Sigma PH

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The Six Sigma Guy Says

From the day we're born, life is like a long journey on a train. Our parents are there to comfort us, and it feels like they'll always be with us.

As time goes by, more people join us on this train – our brothers, sisters, friends, kids, and the person we love.


They make our journey more colorful with their presence, like different threads in a woven picture.

But there comes a time when our parents leave the train, and it feels like something important is missing. We will miss their warmth and love.

As we keep moving, others also leave one by one, leaving gaps that can never be filled. Some leave quietly, and we might not even realize they're gone.

Our journey is full of ups and downs, happy moments, sad times, dreams, and big expectations.


We meet people, say hello, say goodbye, and sometimes it's really hard to say farewell.

Success on this journey isn't about having lots of money or being famous. It's about being good to the people we meet, offering a smile, helping hand, and being kind.

But the biggest mystery is that we don't know when it will be our turn to leave the train.


Life is uncertain, and our story is still being written.

That's why we should live every moment fully, love deeply, forgive easily, and be the best version of ourselves.


When it's our time to leave, let's leave behind good memories for those who keep traveling.

So, my fellow travelers, I wish you a journey filled with happiness and meaning.


May your journey be a reminder of the importance of human connections, and may your legacy be one of love and kindness that people remember long after you're gone.


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