Six Sigma PH

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After Pacman VS Money, now it's Lean VS Six Sigma

Originally Published 5.19.2015

I am still surprised that the debate between Lean purist experts and Lean Six Sigma purist experts is still happening, even here in the Philippines.

Lately, there has been a great deal of talk around Lean execution for different industries, even starting a Lean certification program. Some speak of Lean, some of Lean Six Sigma, and some, a combination of Lean and Lean Six Sigma.

While healthy discussions between experts are needed to stimulate the minds and ideas of process improvement professionals, this 'pre-historic' question about which is better between Lean and Six Sigma has become overused to the point of it being irritating.

So which is better?

Here's my take. Lean focuses on speed, and Lean Six Sigma on eliminating defects and variations. Lean and Lean Six Sigma complement each other. They are a perfect match.

As a process improvement professional, even as a manager in general, you should have the two in your toolbox. If your problem is about a long processing time, use lean tools, techniques, and methodology. If your problem is about recurring defects or variations of outputs, use DMAIC and Lean Six Sigma tools.

If your answer is ONLY lean, or IF your answer is ONLY Lean Six Sigma, you have a BIG PROBLEM. If you are a consultant, your clients have a BIG problem that is YOU.

"...if all of you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" (Maslow, The Psychology of Science, 1966) 

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