5S Your Virtual Life
Originally Published 8.4.2013
We are all guilty of this--- remember the time when you were looking for a file? You then realized that you had spent more than 15 minutes clicking each folder, opening each file, and using the search command trying different combinations of words and file extensions but still failed to find that one important file.
A file that you couldn't find, because your desktop, your libraries, and your personal folders were cluttered with different types of icons. Some, you don't remember saving, and some you were surprised still exist.
Then suddenly, like a needle in a haystack, you got the file! You double-clicked it in an instant, and... BOOM! It was an older version of the file you were looking for. You were back to square one, and I know you've experienced that both on your online e-mail account and offline computer files. It sucks. Maybe it’s time to use the 5S lean tool to put order to your virtual life.
"There's a place for everything and everything in its place."
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